Monday, 7 September 2009

The Danger From Swine Flu Is Officially Over!

At least that's what I'm inferring from the sudden disappearance of the alcoholic hand gel stations by the car park door. 

Not that I'm complaining, normally I quite enjoy using alcohol gel (mmmm vodka) but this stuff was terrible, it felt like liquid soap and left a nasty residue on your hands, again just like liquid soap would if you didn't wash it off after applying.  And woe betide anyone who accidentally put a gelled finger in their mouth before washing it with soap and water normally.  I foolishly tried to (dsicreetly of course) get a bit of meat out from between my teeth after lunch (there was a hand gel station at the canteen entrance too) - yeeeuuuchk!  It has the most horrendous bitter taste imaginable.  It was about 30 minutes before I could taste anything else again, despite running straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water and gargling furiously.  It's probably the second worst thing I've ever put in my mouth, after the as yet not definitively identified (but possibly rotted/fermented soy bean) maki roll I bought in Japan.

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