Wednesday, 19 August 2009

And The Lesson Of The Day


No, not how to die. Don't try and load 17,000 books all at once onto your Sony Reader. Firstly Vista will crash halfway through, secondly it will take hours and hours (around six to get the first 9,500 I managed before Vista crashed) and thirdly after you turn it on it will sit there "loading" for some indeterminate amount of time. So far about an hour. It is still working on something because the icon in the middle is slowly spinning round but while it is in this state I can't read any books. Grr!


  1. You've still got 9,500 books in your new gadget! Oh dear, you're not going to be much use for borrowing books from in future are you :-(

  2. Sadly it went even more wrong, I suppose because the transfer aborted in the middle something wasn't quite right and basically it wouldn't work, so I ended up having to clear it all down and start again. I'm being a bit more selective now and only have 400 or so on there. Yeah "only" is a subjective term obviously.


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