Saturday, 18 July 2009

Word of the Week

The first in an occasion series.

The made up word of the week is Mentaclop. It means someone who isn't operating at full mental capacity - such as someone who has recently had a baby. Some people of course seem to operate at what I would consider to be well below full mental capacity for no discernible reason.

The origins of this fine word are thanks to my wife, the Lovely Hej who was trying to say "I'm not operating at full mental capacity" but actually said "I'm not a mentaclop." Clearly she said that because she was a mentaclop. Having babies does that to you. Now, I realise that technically this would mean that being mentaclop meant you were operating at full mental capacity, but let's face it being mentaclop doesn't sound like it's a good thing. Besides, it's our word so we can define it how we like.

One of the things I really love about her is that when she's tired she talks complete and utter nonsense. Sometimes she comes up with gems like this. Thanks to the lovely Phoebe, I'm sure there will be a steady supply of new words for some time to come.

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