Monday, 27 July 2009

Something To Get Your Teeth Into

The mystery of the Screaming Phoebe in the Nighttime has been solved. She's getting some more teeth through! Typically, it's not the set you're supposed to get next (upper incisors) or even the ones after that (upper lateral incisors) she's gone for the more avant-garde lower lateral incisors. Obviously she's not read the same book we have.

It does puzzle me somewhat that getting teeth is so painful and distressing. Well, sometimes, the first pair appeared with virtually no warning at all. I suppose it just goes to show that humans are the way they are due a (very) large chain of mutations and adaptations rather than, say, some big bloke with a white beard decreeing how things are supposed to be. Sorry to all the Deists out there - OK, I'm not sorry, but them's the facts. There's no point getting all upset about it because they will still be the facts regardless of what it says in whatever book you happen to believe in.

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