One of the long running jokes in our household is the something I have just decided to call "Syllable Juggling". This essentially involves changing the syllables in a sentence round so they form some kind of amusing nonsense. Unfortunately this happens in such a spontaneous and throwaway fashion that concrete examples are hard to remember, but typically something like "Let's load the dishwasher" becomes "Let's dish the loadwasher" or something similar. Yes, the long winter nights just fly by.
However, Syllable Juggling while tired can have unintended consequences as my Darling Wife discovered when she had a go with "The Princess and the Pea" and came up with "The Peaness and the Prince*" - fortunately Phoebe is so used to this kind of thing that she didn't notice the unintended meaning, while I was able to quickly leave the room to avoid drawing attention to it by laughing.
* just say it out loud if that's not making sense.
However, Syllable Juggling while tired can have unintended consequences as my Darling Wife discovered when she had a go with "The Princess and the Pea" and came up with "The Peaness and the Prince*" - fortunately Phoebe is so used to this kind of thing that she didn't notice the unintended meaning, while I was able to quickly leave the room to avoid drawing attention to it by laughing.
* just say it out loud if that's not making sense.