Friday 23 September 2011

Jazz Pointing

I had the (dubious) pleasure of spending an evening in the company of Jazz Oldie Chris Barber and his Big Chris Barber Band - it isn't something I'll be planning on repeating, although I will begrudgingly admit the band members were all excellent musicians and were clearly having a great time performing.

However, there was a welcome and unexpectedly entertaining distraction from the jazz itself in the form of what appeared to be a pointing competition. What on earth is that? You may be wondering. Well, allow me to elaborate. Essentially, Chris and his Big Band were constantly pointing at each other during the show, usually at someone who had performed a particularly twiddly twiddly bit, although at one point Chris himself did go round pointing at the entire band individually. Presumably it's to ensure the audience is aware of the twiddlyness and remind them to appreciate it fully, but given that the pointee had not two seconds before been standing at the front of the stage in a spotlight performing said twiddly bit, it seems a tad redundant.

Anyway, just thought you ought to know.

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