Sunday, 28 March 2010

Stairgate SG-2

Finally got round to fitting the second stairgate at the bottom of the stairs. There was something mysterious, presumably of alien origin, behind the plasterboard which made it a bit of an adventure. We never did find out what it was, but it was close enough to the board that none of the myriad plasterboard fixings I have would work and mysterious enough that we didn't just want to drill into it in case it turned out to be a water pipe or electrical conduit. It also seemed to possess some sort of rudimentary chameleonware being invisible to my stud/pipe detector. Eventually we managed to chop a plasterboard fixing short enough and use smaller screws to get it fitted. It seems solid but I suppose time will tell.

I am looking forward to just walking through the bottom one and zooming straight through the top one. Should make life a lot easier after a hard day.

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