I've recently started suffering from spam in a new and even more irritating way. It seems that spammers often fake the "from" addresses in their emails to try and fool spam filters. It also seems that someone has started using mine. Often these messages are recognised and rejected later on or are to an invalid address both of which can result in a Non Delivery Receipt, or a bounce message. Of course the bounce message doesn't go to the spammers, it goes to me.
Yesterday I got nearly 100 an hour for about five hours.
I tried setting filter rules to stop them, but unfortunately there isn't a standard for what a bounce message looks like which means you need rather a lot of them. When I started getting them in German and Italian I got really grumpy.
What I don't know is how they got my address in the first place. There is a guy in the US who keeps registering for things using my address instead of his (presumably) similar one. I even got sent a load of legal documents that should have gone to him and I regularly get his BestBuy discount vouchers. However it happened, it's too late now and it seems there isn't anything I can do about it. Grrrr.